Sunday, November 29, 2009

Weekend Recap

This little break from work and school has been so delicious and much-needed. I have been so busy with everything I have due for school. Luckily, things are winding down and I only have 6 assignments left, including finals. And no more presentations! I gave my last presentation on Tuesday and am so happy to be done with those. They scare me to death.

I've been trying to figure out a way to recap my weekend, which includes my 10K race, Thanksgiving, my birthday, and my new hairstyle. So I just decided to recap it all in one. Sort of.

10K race
I'm actually giving this aspect of my weekend its own post tomorrow. I've never competed in a 10K, not that I actually competed in this one. I wasn't very excited to have to get up super early (5:30 a.m.) for this race and I haven't been running consistently. I'll talk more about it tomorrow, but let's just say I was extremely proud of myself at the end of the 10K.

Thanksgiving Dinner
I love my family and I just love our Thanksgiving dinner tradition. It's nothing spectacular or amazing. We just all convene at my grandmother's house. My grandma and grandpa cook the dinner. The rest of us "help" or watch football. We eat. My mom and grandma clean up while the rest of us just sit around and watch football. It's my tradition, something I love.

Last year, my nephew was 2 months old at Thanksgiving and slept through the whole thing. This year, he was the center of attention and the biggest entertainer!

So, I finally got my haircut on Friday afternoon. And by finally, I mean FY-NUH-LEE! I haven't had a haircut since the end of March. My hair was full of dead ends, grown-out layers, and dying hair color. So I had it dyed again. (Oh, look! A pun! Hehe.) And then cut. It feels so much lighter and easier to manage now, even though the length isn't too different.

This was my hair on Wednesday. Pretty long, kinda blonde.

And my new hair! Brown, a little bit shorter, with bangs!

Saturday was my birthday. I turned 22. It sounds old to me. Twenty-two. I still feel like I'm fifteen. It was a good day. I slept in and then went out to breakfast with my mom. I had a very unhealthy, calorie-ridden breakfast that was so good I wanted to cry. And then we spent a few hours at Busch Gardens but we came to the realization that BG is turning into a family park. Only four rollercoasters, two of which we don't ride. The rest of the park is for kids! And everything they're building is family-centered. It's a little annoying.

We came home, relaxed for a bit, and then went out for dinner at Carrabba's. I tried a martini but yuck. I need my alcohol watered down. A lot. The aftertaste of a heavily alcohol-ed beverage makes me cringe. I don't know. Maybe it's an acquired taste. The dinner was good, even though I filled myself up on bread and could barely finish my meal. That's always been a problem for me.

All in all, a fun weekend. I managed to get a good portion of my homework done today and took tomorrow off from work. Yay, me! I have yet another day to sleep in, even though I do have class at 2pm. I cannot wait to get this semester over with! As of December 8th, I will have 4 weeks of complete freedom. Happiness.
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