Anyway, I asked my lovely readers to ask me questions and I got some really good ones! So here we go!
From Pia at Living PrImA: What is your most treasured possession?
Ever since I received this question, I've been thinking really hard about it. I really wanted it to be something meaningful but when I kept asking the question to myself, "What would just kill me if I lost it?" It boiled down to him:
From Rachael at Senorita Rachael: What is your favorite class?
Well, right now, my favorite class would have to be my News Editing class. The head of the journalism department teaches it and he's scary and intimidating in a good way. I'm such a grammar Nazi and constantly edit conversations in my head but this class still challenges me and makes me think about grammar and editing in a completely different way. Editing is such an arduous process but completely necessary and it's fun to learn what it all entails.
Of all time, though, my favorite class would have to be a tie between Psychology and a Classroom Managment and Behaviors class. The first one I took while I was in high school (I took college classes for my last 2 years of high school so this was college-level psychology) and the teacher was so much fun and interesting! The information was intense but also extremely interesting, too. The other class was taken during my first semester in the College of Education and I met so many great friends through it and my professor was fantastic. If only she could have been my supervising teacher during my internships, I'm sure I would have passed with no problems! She always had the best stories to tell (she worked with 4th-7th grade for over 25 years) and all the projects I did were fun.
Rachael also asked: I know that your religion is important to you, do you have a favorite Bible passage? I could use a little inspiration.
Romans 6:6-7 which says, "We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin."
First of all, how powerful is that last verse? It gives me chills. And it deals with a lot of what I'm dealing with lately, regarding my spiritual life. Right now, it's an important verse for me to read and meditate on. Sin holds no power over me anymore. Love that.
From Emily Jane at Emily-Jane: What's the biggest dream you hope to achieve in this lifetime?
My biggest dream should come as no shock to anyone: I want to get married and have babies! For me, this is what a fulfilled, happy life looks like. I want to wear a beautiful, white dress and have all eyes on me for one day. I want to experience the give and take a marriage takes. I want to feel life growing inside of me, no matter how painful or uncomfortable it may be. And I want to feel that feeling in the pit of my stomach when my child says, "Mama," to me for the first time.
From Alyssa at My Husband's Watching TV: Would you rather be invisible or have super strength? Why?
Both would be awesome in their own way. It would be neat to just be invisible when I'm feeling uncomfortable in a social situation or somewhere I don't want to be. But then super strength would be cool, too. I mean, who would expect me to be able to lift a semi with my pinkie finger? So I would probably choose super strength, just 'cause it sounds cooler.
From Ashley at Industrious Me: What's your favorite thing to do when you're alone?
I love my alone time. LOVE. I crave it desperately and I really don't know what I'm going to do when I'm married and have little rugrats running around because I love my alone time that much. Anyway, to answer your question, my absolute favorite thing to when I'm alone is reading. I just love getting into my bed, pulling the covers up, cuddling with Dutch, and reading for hours. It's such an escape.
From Amber at Girl With the Red Hair: You are very close to your mom, what's one thing the two of your completely disagree on or fight about?
We really don't fight about much. We get alone pretty well, especially for two women living together and spending most of their time together. Sometimes, I'll say something mean that I is supposed to be funny but just ends up upsetting her. Or I'll have a moment where EVERYTHING is irritating me and I'll just snap at her for no reason. Sometimes, our American Idol discussions can get a little wild and crazy if we don't have the same opinion. But that's about it. There's not much we disagree with.
From Adrienne at Age of Reason: What has been the most defining moment of your 20's?
I think there have been two. From a professional, career standpoint, it was changing my major from education to journalism. I have found so much happiness in this major change, even though I dealt with a lot of setbacks related to financial aid. But this is where I belong and I'm meant to be.
Another defining moment has to be the letter I recently sent to my father. After not speaking a single word to one another for over 2 years, writing that letter felt like a release. I love how I wrote it and how it turned out. My father's response to the letter? Disappointing, sad, and completely what I expected. I'm currently formulating my response to it and trust me, it's not going to be pretty.
From Mandy at Knowing the Difference: Which one post defines you the most?
No question about this one. It was definitely The Letter, which I wrote a few weeks ago. It was such a healing process for me to write.
From Meghan at Blog Voyeur Turned Blogwhore: What's one thing we would be surprised to learn about you that doesn't show through in your blogging?
I think my sense of humor doesn't shine through as much as it does in my daily life. I'm usually serious, and maybe a little bit quirky, here but in real life, I conversate mainly in one-liners and sarcasm. I like making people laugh with comments I didn't think were that funny but end up cracking them up. It takes me a while to get to the level of comfort with people where I can be sarcastic and know I won't hurt their feelings with what I say. But yes, definitely my sense of humor. See? Even this answer wasn't funny!
From Samantha at A Change of Pace: What type of career are you hoping to get into after graduation?
You see, I don't really know. After taking a few classes, I know areas I'm not interested in: I don't want to be a reporter and I don't want to work with any type of design (AT ALL!). I'm really interested in the magazine world and the PR world. I would love to work for some type of ministry, such as Beth Moore' Living Proof. I think it would be really interesting to work in a Christian environment.
I know getting journalism jobs is hard nowadays. So basically, when I graduate, I just want to have a job lined up and not spend the next year working at my preschool! I know I'll have time to explore my options further as I gain more experience. And after working at my internship, working in an office with my own cubicle sounds divine! (And grown-up!)
Also from Samantha: We've learned a lot about what you're looking for in a future hubby lately, and I'd like to know: What type of wedding would you like to have with him, and where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
Honestly, I've never thought about it. Sounds weird, right? I guess I'm more concerned and enthralled by the man I'll be marrying than the one-day ceremony uniting us together. Sometimes I picture a traditional wedding, wearing a gorgeous white gown, in a church. Other times, I picture a more relaxed setting on a beach, in a flowy white dress and barefoot. Sometimes, I picture getting married in a picturesque location with breathtaking views and color-coordinated dresses and flowers.
I know I want a wedding. Every girl does, right? I want beautiful pictures to look at and that special day to remember. I want all eyes to be on me for one day. I want to see the look on my man's face when he sees me walking down the aisle in a beautiful dress.
As for my honeymoon? I'm definitely thinking tropical. Hawaii is a pretty nice locale, don't you think? Days spent relaxing by the pool, trying out different activities, and spending many, many wonderful hours in bed. (HEY! I'll be married!) Oh, I cannot wait!
Thanks for all the questions and sorry if this got lengthy! I loved answering them.
Yay! Congrats on your 100th post! It was awesome too. What a great idea to answer readers' questions. Wish I woulda thought of this when I hit my 100th. Have a great Monday!! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 100th post Steph!~♥ I'm glad I learned so much more about you with this post >.<
ReplyDeleteAnd don't you worry, you are a very interesting person. I think that much is evident ^_^
I loved reading this! And I did my vlog on the questions you asked ME last night and other than it being painfully awkward to watch, I realised I only answered ONE of your questions :( Blame the nerves!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 100th post, that's amazing!!
Congrats on your 100th entry. I love reading your blog and I especially loved reading your answers to these questions!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the big 100!!! I would totally pick invisible because I don't have the need for super strength...Matt's the muscles in our fam.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 100 posts! Also, I feel the same way about my cat as you do your dog, even though I've only had him a little while. He's great :)
ReplyDeleteYay this was so fun! I liked learning more about you.
ReplyDeleteJournalism school made me HATE the idea of being a journalist (my program sucks) I now work in Marketing and PR and absolutely love it! You should definitely look into some PR stuff, you can go so many directions with it!
What an interesting post! And ups for changing your comment box - I hate disqus!
ReplyDeleteI've never been the kind of girl who spent any time thinking about her wedding, either. It just doesn't interest me.
I really loved my editing classes at uni, too - I'm a total spelling/grammar freak, but taking that class made me realise just how shallow my knowledge really was. And even if I know that something is wrong, it doesn't mean I can actually explain WHY it is, you know? I know how grammar works, but couldn't necessarily explain it.
Awesome! Congrats on making it 100! That's never been a problem for me since I post nearly everyday, but sticking around for more than a few months is hard for me, and I'm coming up on my one year mark. If I had more readers who actually gave a pooh about my real life, I'd do something like this. I think its a really awesome idea! I hope that you find that special guy who wants to marry ya and make babies with you! I hope you find your penguin! :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 100 posts! Great scripture!
ReplyDeleteA switch to Journalism from Education is such a good idea, especially now. Hope that works out wonderfully.
ReplyDeleteHappy 100th post! Looks like I have some catching up to do.. I'm jealous of your thoroughness and regularity.. yes! Good job Steph :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 100 Posts! Those were all such great questions and awesome answers. Oh, and I'm totally the girl who has never pictured her wedding.=)
ReplyDeleteI love to do that when I'm alone as well. :) Congrats on reaching 100!