I knew this semester was going to be jam-packed, busy, and test every level of strength I possessed. What I didn't know was how much it would try to break me.
I'm not good at managing my time. This is not a new fact for me. The truth is, I'd much rather spend my time blogging, catching up my DVR-ed shows, and sleeping than doing actual work. It's the lazy American in me, you could say.
I managed fairly well, working a part-time job and going to school full-time, last semester. I managed to scrape by with A's and an almost-A and didn't feel as if my entire world was caving in at all. The last few weeks were intense but I managed.
I still have another two months to go and I've already had my fair share of cry-my-eyes-out meltdowns. My mom has witnessed way too many of these and I'm not a very nice person when these occur. I throw out F-bombs, snap at her for no reason, and just get ugly. It's not pretty.
But I'm going to make it through this semester. I'm going to succeed, even if success comes in the form of a barely-passable C-.
In order to succeed, I need to put my priorities together. The only way I am going to make it through this semester without going crazy is by figuring out the placement of everything in my life.
Obviously, school must come first. I'm in the process of figuring out what I have due for the rest of the semester in all my classes and making sure I have a timeline to complete it all. The biggest thing weighing on my mind is a 16-page magazine I have to create from scratch. Original images, original designs, and original stories. I've come to realize design is not my forte and I know this magazine won't be the best in the class. But I just want to create it for me and to be happy with my work - even if my professor isn't.
Second on the list is my health. I'm on the Weight Watchers program and lost three pounds my first week. I want to keep my health in check and know this is the one thing in my life that I can control, even if everything else in my life is going to the crapper. And I know by eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising, I will keep my body happy. And a happy body means a happy mind, right?
Third on the list is my relationship with God. I need to fall back in love with Jesus and I need Him to help me make it through these days. I know I'm just going to falter if I try to do this on my own. And I need His help with the magazine I'm going to produce. I'm trying out a new small group on Sunday and I'm hoping this one works for me. I really have tried so many small groups that I just don't enjoy, people-wise. I want to feel comfortable and I want my relationship with God to deepen through it.
Sitting lower on my list of priorities are my social life, blogging life, and job. My job isn't something I'm willing to give up. After this semester, it should be smooth sailing for my last two semesters of college. And I want to keep my job throughout it. I love where I work and even if the pay is crappy, it's better than no job. My social life is laughable so let's not even talk about it. Suffice it to say, I know I need down time but those times will be few and far between for the next two months.
But blogging. I love blogging. I love writing blogs and reading posts. I love commenting and finding out I have new people reading my blog. And it hurts to know it's going to have to go on the back burner for the next few months. My goal is to aim for 1-2 blog posts a week and keep up with my Google Reader as much as possible. But I do need to step away from the obsession I have over blogging until school has calmed down. Am I happy about it? No. But it's necessary.
I'm already counting down the days until May. It's going to be a rough, crazy, stressful two months but I will make it through. And I will succeed. Anyway, thanks for listening.
Monday, March 1, 2010
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