Another installment of Chelsea’s Ten on Tuesday for your viewing pleasure!
1. What’s your favorite color to paint your nails?
I am really, really bad at remembering to paint my nails. I should just fork over the money for a pedicure once a month, but I never seem to get around to it. Right now, they’re red and I don’t really have a favorite color. Whatever catches me eye, really!
2. Do you like to sneeze?
No! No, no, no, no, no! I avoid it at all costs, which I know is horrible for you. I hold all my sneezes in when I’m in public, unless I have a tissue. I don’t have a cute sneeze and always have tons of snot. I’m awkward enough as it is without having to deal with my snot-nose.
(Although, when I have a stuffy nose, sneezing feels like heaven!)
3. How often do you fill up your car with gas?
It gets filled up twice a week, once by me and once by my mom.
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. Have you made any good recipes lately?
I made these awesome snickerdoodle cookies for my sister-in-law for Christmas. She liked them so much, she requested me to make more for her New Year’s Eve party! Oh, and last night, I made Hungry Girl’s turkey chili which is so good. And makes enough leftovers to last at least a week!
6. What’s an easy money-saving tip that you use regularly?
I try to use the “Come Back Later” rule to stop impulsive purchases. If I see something I want, I make myself wait at least 3 days before buying it. If I still want it as badly as I did 3 days ago, then I can buy it. But I usually find that I didn’t really need it as badly as I first thought.
7. Would you rather have a sore throat or an earache?
Probably a sore throat. They can be annoying but pain falls on maybe a 3 or 4 on a scale of 1-10. When I was little, I got earache’s all the time, although I haven’t gotten any in recent memory. Still, I can’t imagine they would be pleasant. With the 5+ sore throats I got last year, I’m a pro at handling them.
8. Do you have any scars? What are they from?
I have a small, barely recognizeable scare on the inside of my thumb from when I had stitches in September. And I have a scar on my belly where a dog bit me when I was in 5th grade. But that’s about it!
9. What are you “known for” in your circle of friends/family?
Probably my intense love for football and my writing. I want to say my humor, but it may just be me who thinks I’m funny. ;)
10. How do you like to eat your pancakes?
Can I admit that I’m not a big fan of pancakes. I’m really not a big breakfast fan, period. When I do eat them, usually plain with no butter and lots of syrup. Sometimes, with chocolate chips. Mmm…chocolate chip pancakes! I cringe to know what the PointsPlus value of those would be!
Don’t forget to enter my giveaway - a $55 gift card to CSN Stores! Giveaway closes at 7pm on Sunday.