Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flab to Fab: I Suck At This

Remember my first Flab to Fab post? I remarked on how I need to have a healthy lifestyle and just start making gradual healthy changes to my life.

Then came last week's post. I expounded on the idea that fat people don't know how to have a healthy lifestyle so, for a starting point, we need to be on a "diet" and be accountable.


This week's post will be on how much I suck. No, just kidding. Although, that's a post that could fill many a line. (Again, kidding. Albeit, I'm not very good at these jokes.)

I started off the week really good. I was tracking my food and really excited to start this process! I even decided to forgo my Friday afternoon nap for a gym workout. I was doing good, up until Friday night, when I stopped tracking. And I feel like everything fell apart. It didn't, really. I think I stepped back into making healthy choices. The fact is, I don't like tracking my food. I don't like to know every single morsel of food I put in my mouth needs to be written down. That's why I failed at Weight Watchers. I just want to be healthy. I want to feel good about myself.

So I think I'm going back to my decision on Week 1 - making gradual healthy choices. No, I won't always make the best decision. And yes, this way means it's going to take me a lot longer to lose the weight. But this is the best fit for me. It's the best way that I can succeed and keep succeeding.

I want to start including a list of good healthy choices made. And I really need to come up with a better name for it. Alas, I have 7 minutes to finish this entry before I need to pick up my mom from work so Healthy Choices it is!

Healthy Choices
Attempted to track. Also, I ate one of the healthiest Lean Cuisine meals there is!
Saturday: I didn't snack all day, something I'm prone to do on Saturdays. Also, for the first Saturday in probably a YEAR, I went to the gym. I'm always nervous about Saturdays because my gym can get very packed (and it's a small apartment gym) so I hate going. But I went at 11:30 and it was empty the entire time. Yay!
Sunday: I got in a 90-minute workout on this day! And I ate pretty healthy. I'm nervous about Sundays now since football started. Football = food.
Monday: I ate healthy at work with a salad, fruit cup, and cookies. (Just add a sandwich to that and I sound like a third-grader.) Also, I didn't have an ounce of soda until after my 2pm class!
Tuesday: I ate moderately healthy at work. And I only had one 20-ounce Coke, too! Woot!
Wednesday: Ate healthy at work. We made mini pizza's with the kids and I had probably 2 pieces but it wasn't too bad. And since I left my wallet in the car, I didn't have any soda until dinnertime. AND...healthiest choice of the week goes to choosing Weight Watchers ice cream over cookies. Mom gave me the choice to choose a dessert (mainly because she hates making choices). I really wanted cookies or something equally unhealthy but I was feeling horrible about the choice so I decided, on the spur of the moment, to get the ice cream! I'm still super proud over this moment. :)

That's all for me since I'm 1 minute behind schedule now. Question, though: I've been eating salads again. I have this amazing olive oil vinaigrette dressing I'm using. I've only been topping the salad with tuna fish. I need some good tips: What do you do to spice up your salads?
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