But I do have my faults and I love to brag and boast about my accomplishments. So, without further ado...
From Amanda at Teasingly Diverse:

I'm not sure what this award is about, other than the fact that it reminds me of fairies and mystical creatures, something I'm not familiar with at all.
The rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom your received your Splash award.
6. Have F~U~N
I'll take the easy way out and give this award to my last five followers: Linda, Ashley, Barbetti, Stacie, and Michelle.
From Michelle at Things I Said and Meant to Say:

How adorable is this award, by the way? It's so pink and cute and has cupcakes on it. LOVE!
The rules:
1. Copy the award image in your post.
2. List 10 things that make you happy, and try to do at least one of them today.
3. Then, tag 10 bloggers that make you happy! (I've got quite a long list over there on my left sidebar!)
4. For the 10 bloggers who get the award, link back to me and spread the happiness!
Ten things that make me happy:
1. My iPod Touch. I seriously underestimated how amazing this little piece of technology is. It's a lot like having an iPhone...without the Internet coverage (I have to rely on wi-fi to get a connection), camera, or phone capabilities. But I still think it's pretty great and it's so much nicer than my crappy iPod shuffle that only held 137 songs. Pretty pathetic.
2. Old Navy. Not only do they have great, casual clothes but I bought a pair of size four skinny jeans there last week. Size four. I am not a size four. But in Old Navy land, I am. And that's why I love them so much - they make me feel like a Skinny Person.
3. Blog comments. Seriously, I love them.
4. Blog followers. I love them, too!
5. Cleaning. My mom may laugh at this one, but it is true! I just have to be in the mood for it! When I get into the mood, I turn on some music and clean to my little heart's content. It's very relaxing, a good time-waster, and even helps to get some activity in! And the house always looks so much better when clean, don't you agree?
6. Chocolate. I've probably eaten my body weight in chocolate in December. I lost any ability to resist it and I'll admit I probably went a bit crazy. But a new year is upon us and I need to get back on track and lose this belly of mine. So I'm definitely drastically reducing my chocolate intake, which is going to be very hard and I really hope my body doesn't go into shock.
7. My family. We had family come over to ring in the New Year and had such a fun time! We ate some good food, played games, laughed way too much, and just enjoyed each other's company. And considering the fact that I've had two friends lose family members to cancer this month (one friend had her 12-year-old brother die while the other lost her father), it was so nice to see my grandma, healthy and happy this year. Last NYE, she was way too sick from chemotherapy to celebrate with us. We are so blessed that God gave us a "yes" when we prayed for healing for her.
8. Sleep. This four week break from school has been so nice! While I do still have to wake up at 5am for work, I have my afternoons and nights for myself. Lately, I've been getting off work at noon and I really haven't been very productive over my break. I've been coming home to nap, fool around online, read. I haven't been exercising or working on my novel at all. But it's been nice to be a lazy bum. I only have one week left to do it!
9. Vera Bradley. It took me a few years to buy into this new style. I've been skeptical for a while, mainly because it seems people only buy one of her styles. But I went onto her website during the holiday season, looking for a gift for my sister-in-law and found a world of purses and accessories I had never seen before! I've ordered a laptop bag and a big tote for school, which I am so excited to get! And she has so many other cute things: wallets, binders, planners, eyeglass cases, beach bags, make-up bags... I don't want to become one of those people who has all Vera Bradley stuff, but gosh, why not? They're all so cute!
10. Goals. I love writing down goals, whether long-term or short-term. I love having something I need to achieve. It keeps life from becoming mundane and dry. And it always gives me something to push towards.
This award goes out to the following five people who make me smile: Chelsea, Courtney Rae, Amanda, Lauren, and Emily Jane.
From Lauren at Her Silent Musings:
From Lauren at Her Silent Musings:

I'm supposed to name 5 things I like to do and give this award to 5 more bloggers.
1. Sleep.
2. Play "Sally's Spa" on my iTouch. I'm addicted to this game now and it makes me feel like a little girl again.
3. Blog. Another addiction of mine. I love writing blogs, reading blogs, getting comments, giving comments, and every single blog friend I have made. This is such a fun community to belong to!
4. Watch football. Sadly, we just have 3 weeks of playoffs, the Pro-Bowl, and the Superbowl before it's all over until August.
5. Starting the semester. By mid-semester, I'm so sick of everything to do with school but I love the newness of a new semester, new books, new classes, new school supplies, and a new schedule to get used to.
And to five bloggers that I seriously consider friends (and I hope you feel the same way. Otherwise, this is really awkward.): Amber, Nanny, Kaitlyn, Shalay and Sarah Lynn.