Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals for 2012


New Year’s Resolutions get a bad rap, I think. People either hate the word or the feeling of “Hey, new year, new me!” I don’t look at resolutions/goals that way. I have made New Year’s Resolutions for the past few years and it always fills me with such hope and excitement to spend the last part of the last month of the year envisioning what I want out of the coming year. I know I won’t attain each and every one of them but I do know I will try my best each and every month. I also think people don’t set attainable resolutions or stick with them throughout the year, because they get discouraged so easily by doing too much too soon. I’m a big goal-oriented person and I think of resolutions as long-term, yearly goals. And as my good friend, Melissa, pointed out in a comment, it’s not realistic to make every goal you set for yourself. The fun part about making goals/resolutions is trying to achieve them but learning a whole lot about yourself in the process.

Without further ado, here are my 2012 Resolutions (or Goals, if you prefer). I have a lot and they’re all broken into categories. I know I won’t achieve them all, but I’m going to have a grand time trying! 

Health and Fitness


> Get to my happy weight (ideally 115 lbs) 
> Run an entire 5K in under 36 minutes
> Exercise 4-5 times a week 
> End my addiction to soda 
> Get up-to-date on all doctor visits 
> Give blood at least 3 times 
> Run the Turkey Trot 10K in November



> Pay off all credit card debt
> Try as best I can to never keep a balance from month-to-month on my two credit cards 
> Pay off my ER visit bill 
> Set aside 5% of every paycheck into my savings account

Blog/Social Media

Funny Flirting Ecard: Let's temporarily avoid each other's blogs, tweets and Facebook updates so we have something to talk about on our date.
> Switch Stephany Writes to self-hosted Wordpress, with a brand-new design
> Take one break from all media a month, whether it be for a day, a weekend, or a week
> Have a weekend away with special blogging friends


> Write and edit a novel 
> Read one non-fiction book a month
> Read 75 books



> Fly on an airplane 
> Fully immerse myself in the online dating world 
> Find my faith again
> Join a book club, Bible study, or some type of social group

Do you set resolutions or goals for the coming year?

source: x, x, x, x, x, x

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